Two kids interview Two Old Guys and a Hotel

Two kids interview Two Old Guys and a Hotel

Scotty has big plans for season 2 and has made some big promises to the boss. What will the youth of today think of the Two Old Guys and a Hotel?

Show notes

Scotty has revealed a few ideas to help his quest to reach podcast's top 25% which leads him to 2 youngsters Ruby and Jason. In this episode, Ruby and Jason (our mini interviewers) have Scotty and Terry in the hot seat as they ask the hard questions and find out more about what the Two Old Guys really get up to. There are a few laughs along the way, talk of books, old stuff, hobbies, and even sausages! Don't for get to subscribe, like, and share our podcast or leave us a comment...thank you!



Ruby and Jason

Ruby and Jason

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